Te Kahureremoa Taumata
Ko Ngai Te Upokoiri, Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāti Manunui ōku hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu, Ko Ngāti Tuwharetoa ōku iwi
Ko Te Kahureremoa Tiopira Taumata tōku ingoa
Te Kahureremoa Taumata is a multi-disciplinary artist, writer, singer, composer, storyteller, tāonga pūoro practitioner, visual artist and video maker based in Te Whanga-nui-ā-Tara (Wellington). Her musical compositions have featured across many platforms including film, theatre, educational resources, art installations, and live performance.
Te Kahureremoa has spent many years carving out her own space as an indigenous musician with a diverse range of skills and unique style performing under the alias 'Ladyfruit'. The music is the expression of her world as well a response to mainstream pop music's vapid values, fusing dreamy vocals and layered lyrics with electronic and ancient instruments bringing Ladyfruit's musical style to life. Te Kahureremoa also makes music under her given name, following her passion for her indigenous identity with love for languages, te reo pūoro and te reo Māori.